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Showing posts with label other. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

What is IP address ?

Here are simple facts that might answer some questions you have about IP addresses:

You must have an active IP address to be online.
Or more accurately, every time you're online you automatically have an active IP address. IP stands for Internet Protocol: The protocols are connectivity guidelines and regulations that govern computer networks.

IP addresses are assigned to computers, not people.
The IP address you see—the one you're connected to a network and the Internet with—is assigned to the computer you're on. When you're at a coffeehouse, the IP address you see will be different from the IP address you see at home, a hotel or an airport. Test it one day to see.

Whoever you interact with online could discover your IP address (if they know how to find it).
Your IP address isn't obvious to others, but it isn't hidden. A website's network administrator and technically savvy types can identify the IP addresses of computers that visit their websites or send emails. But all they can see is a number...the same one you see on

Only an Internet Service Provider (ISP) knows the real name and home address that corresponds to an IP address.

They have to know, in order to send a bill for monthly Internet usage. However, they keep that information private and do not disclose IP addresses—or names and addresses of customers—to just anyone asking for it. However, they would disclose that information under subpoena to law enforcement agencies.

Your IP address NEVER reveals your name or actual, physical location.
If you click on the map on our home page, you'll see plenty of details (state, ISP, etc.), but no personal information.

Someone can get a general idea of where you are when you're online.
That's what the above map shows. Geolocation services can estimate where a computer user is, based on an IP address. All they need to do is record your IP address and use an IP Lookup service. However, they will still not know who the computer user is.

You can hide your actual IP address.
More accurately, you can show a different IP address from the one you're actively using. You can do that by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Think of it like having your mail sent to a P.O. Box instead of your home—you haven't moved; you're just using a different mailing address. Some VPNs are free, but the better ones charge a small monthly fee.

A website can monitor online behavior through online visits and viewing.
Advertisers use online tracking to place ads that might be of interest to website visitors. Website tracking systems can recognize visits by the same IP address and suggest ads for articles and topics that might interest the user behind the IP address…YOU.

Your IP address AND other information could lead someone to you.
If you revealed to someone your real name, your home city and perhaps sent them an email (that contained your actual IP address) from home, they could use all that information to discover your home address.


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Be Part to STOP Global Warming Here Easy Ways To Stop Global Warming

Easy Ways To Stop Global Warming

Burning fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, oil and gasoline raises the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and carbon dioxide is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Global climate change is certainly one of the top environmental issues today.

You can help to reduce the demand for fossil fuels, which in turn reduces global warming, by using energy more wisely. Here are 10 simple actions you can take to help reduce global warming.

Global warming has increased in vast increments in the last decade. In fact, in the last 50 years, the earth’s global temperature has increased by 3%. Pollution caused by the release of carbon dioxide into the air creates a blanket over the atmosphere. Global warming can cause a whole chain of events to rupture ecosystems, weather patterns, and a variety of other factors. We all play a part in our future.
More from global warming:

1. Replace Regular Incandescent Light bulb: Replace regular incandescent light bulb with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. They consume 70% less energy then ordinary bulbs and have longer lifetime.

2. Drive Less or Carpool: By driving less you are not only saving fuel but also helping in reducing global warming. Also, look out for other possibilities, for e.g.: car pooling. If you have colleagues who live in the same area then you can combine trips. If you need to go to a local market then either walk or go by cycle. Both of them are great form of exercise. The biggest pollution emitting fumes are caused by oil and gasoline. Cutting down consumption, is a huge step to reducing energy wastes.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Reduce your need to buy new products or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste. Even if you need to buy, consider buying eco-friendly products. It is most effective of the three R’s. It simply says cut back from where are you now.

Reuse bottles, plastic containers, and other items bought at the grocery store. Reusing water bottles, yogurt cups, bread ties, and other items is being conscious about what is already out there. It will lessen having to purchase other items that would fulfill the same function. Try to use the disposable products into some other form. Just don’t throw them away.

Recycling unwanted paper, bottles, etc…is a great earth saving tip. If possible, upcycle tables, furniture, and other outdated items to keep landfills clean. You can recycle almost anything for e.g.: paper, aluminum foils, cans, newspapers. By recycling you can help in reducing landfills.

4. Go Solar: Many people have caught the energy efficient band wagon of solar energy. Having solar panels installed is something readily possible and available. Incentives and discounts given by government agencies and energy companies make solar energy something to look into.

5. Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances: Always buy products that are energy efficient as they can help you save good amount of money on your energy bill. Energy-efficient products can help you to save energy, save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

6. Reduce Waste: Landfills are the major contributor of methane and other greenhouse gases. When the waste is burnt, it release toxic gases in the atmosphere which result in global warming. Reusing and recycling old items can significantly reduce your carbon footprint as it takes far less energy to recycle old items than to produce items from scratch.

7. Use Less Hot Water: Buy energy saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing clothes in hot water. Just wash them in cold or warm water. Avoid taking frequent showers and use less hot water. It will help in saving energy require to produce that energy.

8. Avoid Products With Lot of Packaging: Just don’t buy products with lot of packaging. When you buy such products you will end up in throwing the waste material in the garbage, which then will help in filling landfill sites and pollute the environment. Also, discourage others from buying such products.

9. Install a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat doesn’t cost much and its cost can be recovered from the amount that you save by reducing energy. The easiest and most cost effective advice is simply adjusting your thermostat up 1 degree down in the winter and up by 1 degree in the summer. Lower your thermostat 2 degrees in the winter. Instead of making your home a burning furnace, try putting on extra layers.

10. Turn Off the Lights: If you’re not using a room, there’s no need for the light to be on.

11. Turn off Electronic Devices: Turn off electronic devices when you are moving out for a couple of days or more. Unnecessary usage of electronic appliances will not only save fuel i.e. coal by which we get electricity but also increase the lifetime of your gadgets.

12. Plant a Tree: Planting trees can help much in reducing global warming then any other method. They not only give oxygen but also take in carbon dioxide, during the process of photosynthesis, which is the main source of global warming.

13. Use Clean Fuel: Electric, smart cars, cars run on vegetable oil, etc…are great examples for using renewable energy. Supporting companies that provide these products will help the rest of the mainstream manufacturing companies convert over.

14. Look for Renewable Fuel Options: If you can’t afford an electric car, buy the cleanest gasoline as possible. When car shopping, look at the benefits of options that provide renewable fuel. Although it may be a pretty penny now, you’re on the ground level of forward thinking.

15. Save Energy: When you consume less, the less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Setting your thermostat using your smart phone or changing the type of light bulb you use is a great start.

16. Replace Filters on Air Conditioner and Furnace: If you haven’t, not only are you wasting energy, but breathing in dirty air. Cleaning a dirty air filter can save several pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

17. Go Green: Using energy star appliances will not only save money, but also the amount of energy wasted in your home. Have a look at various ways to go green.

18. Tune Your Car Regularly: Regular maintenance will help your car function properly and emit less carbon dioxide.

19. Download Earth Saving Apps: Apps like Kil-Ur-Watts and Wiser EMS not only help calculate your energy costs, but provide tools and ways to save energy and money.

20. Conserve Water: This is a tired tip, but ever so important. If we added up the water wasted by the millions of Americans brushing their teeth, we could provide water to more than 23 nations with unclean, drinking water. Remember, it takes energy to draw and filter water from underground.

Taking a quick 5 minute shower will greatly conserve energy. The type of shower head used, will also aid in combating global warming. Take showers instead of baths. Showers use less water than baths by 25%. Over the course of a year that’s hundreds of gallons saved.

21. Stop Idling Your Car: It might be freezing outside, but unless your car is buried in snow, start your car as usual. It may take longer to warm up, but the world isn’t just about you.

22. Eat Less Hamburger: Besides carbon dioxide, methane introduced into the air contributes to global warning. With meat consumed by the seconds, the amount of cows breathing out methane is a huge contributor, thanks to our carnivorous diet and the billion-dollar meat industry.

23. Use Clothesline to Dry Your Clothes: Think of your grandmother when you do this. Most clothes shouldn’t be put in the dryer anyway.

24. Eat Naturally: Not only do the health benefits speak wonders for those who eat naturally, but it cuts down the energy costs used by factories who produce processed food.

25. Ride Your Bike: Not only is bike riding, healthy it reduces the amount of CO2 released into the air. Walking is another easy way to reduce global warming.

26. Use a Kitchen Cloth Instead of Paper Towels: Paper towels produce nothing but wasted energy. Think of the factory pollution, as well as the tree consumption.

27. Reuse Towels: Hang towels to dry, instead of popping them back in the wash after a few uses.

28. Check Your Tires: When you drive make sure your tires are inflated properly. If not, then your vehicle might consume more fuel which in turn release more CO2 in the atmosphere. Keep your engine properly tuned and drive less aggressively. Aggressive driving and frequent applying of brakes hampers the engine and can even lower the mileage of your car.

29. Take Lunch in a Tupperware: Each time you throw away that brown paper sack, more brown paper sacks are being produced in a factory as we speak.

30. Wrap your water heater in insulation: By keeping the energy in the water heater condensed, less energy is emitted into the air. This not only helps the earth, but your pocketbook.

31. Get Home Energy Audit Done: Call a home energy audit company and get an audit done for your home that will help you to identify areas that consume lot of energy and are not energy efficient at all.

32. Become Part of the Global Warming Community: Connecting with others will help you become more conscious of the impact we all have. The Climate Change National Forum and Global Humanitarian Forum are great avenues to know the latest facts, statistics, and efforts in making a difference.

33. Actually celebrate Arbor Day and Earth day: Although most of us hear about these days in passing, see what the buzz is all about. Plant a tree, pick up trash, or join a forum.

34. Become Aware of Your Contribution: With technology within your fingertips, finding information about protecting the environment is everywhere. To help emit less CO2, the first step is being aware of how much you contribute.

35. Spread the Awareness: 
Always try your best to educate people about global warming and it’s causes and after affects. Tell them how they can contribute their part by saving energy that will be good for the environment. Gather opportunities and establish programs that will help you to share information with friends, relatives and neighbors.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Steps to Maximize your Wireless Network Security

Steps to Maximize your  Wireless Network Security.We emphasized so many times we are living in an interconnected world and it is a fact we take for granted. This increasing level of connectivity between us and our devices implies not only a greater degree of physical mobility for us, but also the possibility to access the Internet in most places in the world.

It is a fact that more user-friendly technology applications increase the chances of more missutilization. Its best example is the Wi-Fi connection it is totally made easy for its users to use in computer, portable media player, mobiles, video games along many other wireless devices which you want to use without cables. This modern world’s trendy applications made lots of things easy from the traditional networking services. But as you get easy access hacking also becomes more easy for bad guys.
Hacking chances even increase more when you want to share your Wi-Fi access with your friends for long. Young generation will love to use Google TV dongle for watching YouTube videos with friends by logging in the same network instead of using YouTube’s iOS and Android apps to bring clips together and collect them for TV screen.
Though some developers have find out few clever apps to share password with secured strategies but nothing seems as effective as to stop hackers or abandon them completely. what we really require is a different Wi-Fi security approach. Instead of strengthening security reasons more hacking tools and software are increasing day by day.

Here is a good news that we can secure our home network. The secure strategy will not only prevent others from stealing your internet but also control hackers to computers through wireless network. There are some simple steps that can help you to secure your wireless network easily.


Access your wireless router’s settings and enter the correct user name and password for the router Or else you can find manuals from Google for most routers online.


To secure your Wi-Fi network you need to change your default router’s password to achieve more security. So that others can’t easily access the router. Change your password from admin settings on your router’s setting page.


SSID or wireless network name of your wireless router is always pre-defined so it can be a weak point for security point of view. Never use your name, personal information, home address for SSID name. Most of the time hackers use scanning tools which are available freely to find all available wireless networks in an area. When you set your SSID name then you can connect with the correct wireless network even if there are multiple wireless networks in your area.


Encrypt your wireless signals to avoid your area computers from using your internet connection. Among several encryption strategies, WEP, WPA (WPA-Personal), and WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2) are most known methods.
If you want your wireless network to be enabled by an encryption, then open the wireless security settings on your router’s configuration page. It will help you to select which security method you want to select, For older devices, choose WEP, otherwise go with WPA2. Enter a security phrase to access the network by setting difficult procedure. Set complex pass phrase by combining letters, numbers, and special characters.


All wireless devices have unique MAC adresss just as computers have internet access with specific IP address. You need to filter your MAC addresses to avoid spoofing. For MAC fliteration prepare a list of all hardware devices to connect with your wireless network. Go to administrative settings to find your MAC addresses by opening command prompt and typing in “ipconfig /all”, which will show your MAC address near the name “Physical Address”.


If you have a small living place then don’t go for high range wireless router. So change mode of your router to 802, 11g instead of 802.11n or 802.11b or else you can try different wireless channels. Place your router in a small box or wrap a foil around the router antennas to restrict signals directions. Even you can apply the anti Wi-Fi paint, which is developed by researchers to block accessing of your home network without setting up encryption of router level.


Check manufacture’s site to ensure whether your router is running with latest firmware or not. You can find the version through router’s dashboard at 192.168.*.


After filtering your MAC address you can add new settings to your computer or to any other wireless devices to be in touch with Wi-Fi network. By selecting the automatic connection option in your computer, you can protect your SSID entrance and every useful information during every time internet connection.


Turn off your router when you are not using your computer for longer period. It not only save you from wireless piggy backers but also save your electricity.


When you are using any new device to connect with your network, there you need to find MAC address and add it to your router. But if you want to let a friend connect to your wireless network one time, its better to remove your friend’s MAC address from the router settings when he or she leaves your place.
So with these steps you can secure your Wi-Fi network and also can enjoy your as usual YouTube party with group of friends without any fear.

11. Choose a strong password for your network administrator

To set up your wireless router, usually you need to access an online platform or web page, where you can make modifications to your network settings.
As everybody knows, it is something normal to find a router with default credentials such as “admin” and “password”. And these default login credentials are not so difficult to break by a hacker.
Most changes we do on an online platform are things like setting a strong password for the wireless network or changing the network’s name, both changes being made to ensure a greater level of protection from online criminals’ malicious actions.

12.Disable Remote Access
Normally, you can access your router’s interface from a device connected to your network, but some routers allow access even from remote systems. To stop online hackers access to your router’s private settings, it is safe to disable this option in your router’s settings.
To make this change, access the web interface and search for “Remote access” or “Remote Administration“.

13. Keep your router’s software up-to-date

Consider your router’s software like any other software you have on your operating system. It may be your antivirus program or any other application running on the system. The router’s firmware, like any other software, contains flaws which can become major vulnerabilities, unless they are quickly fixed by firmware releases from the manufacturer.
The problem is that most routers don’t have the option to install the latest security updates and from time to time you need to check the official website for security fixes.
We must not forget that some of the worst security breaches came from security holes in unpatched programs and operating systems.

14. Make sure you have a good firewall

Some routers have their own firewalls that can help block hackers from accessing your computer.
In case your router doesn’t have such a firewall, make sure you install a good firewall solution on your system to watch for malicious access attempts to your wireless network.
These days, most people use the firewall solution provided by their operating systems, which is a good option. In case you are using a security software that contains a firewall, it is a good option to turn it on.

15. Protect the devices that connect most frequently to your wireless network

Don’t leave any door open for online criminals!
Though you may have secured your router and your wireless network, you need to make sure you are not leaving any security breach that can be exploited by IT criminals. Therefore, follow some general and common sense guidelines to stay away from online dangers, like having the latest software availableinstalled on the system and the latest security patches downloaded to ensure no security hole or breach is left open to online predators.
Even more, check what devices connect mostly to your home network and make sure they have security software installed against the viruses and spyware.
And finally, use a specialized security software to protect your devices from financial and data stealing malware, cyber-criminals and malicious hacker servers.

Oh! Why my Internet is Slow ?

A slow Internet connection can be caused by any number of reasons. Below is a short list of some of the more common reasons your Internet connection may be slow. As mentioned at the bottom of this page, there is no magic program or tweak to increase your overall Internet speed, and reading this can help you know why.

The most common reason your Internet may not be performing sufficiently could be due to spyware and viruses. Spyware interferes with your browser by taking over most of the attention of your Internet connection. It also keeps tabs on your keystrokes, which is why certain functions and actions may seem delayed. The more spyware infecting your computer, the worse the problem becomes. Make sure you have security software installed that can scan for and remove spyware.

Viruses install computer codes (almost like a standalone program) and attempts to reproduce until it’s taken over your computer. The first sign of a virus is often in your Internet connection. This is because most viruses are sent via e-mail. The rate in which a virus multiplies causes extremely slow computer performance overall. Keep your anti-virus software running at all times.

Bandwidth hogs
Sometimes there’s nothing “bad” going on with your computer and your connection is still extremely slow. This could be caused by massive download or upload hogs running on your computer. If you’re uploading or downloading multiple files to a site or online storage, your bandwidth can be greatly reduced, causing a slower Internet connection. For programs like this, you can sometimes set a bandwidth cap in order to continue enjoying adequate Internet speeds.

Every now and then, your modem or router is causing the issue. You can always restart your connection to see if the problem is resolved. There are also troubleshooting options with your provider. You may require a replacement for your equipment in order to solve the issue.

Slow Internet connection

If you are using a dial-up connection or a modem, this will be much slower than any broadband connection or connection you may be using at work or school. If you are using a modem, no matter how fast your computer is, the speed of the Internet will remain the same or very close and can cause some users to believe their computer is slow.

If a broadband connection is available in your area, and you would like a much more enjoyable experience on the Internet, we highly recommend getting it. See the broadband definition for additional information on this term and the broadband available.

Tip: If you are using broadband consider an alternative broadband solution if available. For example, Cable is much faster than DSL. Also, Cable companies such as Comcast offer boosts in some areas that can give your connection even more speed.

Your Internet connection may also be slow due to connection issues. You can perform an Internet speed test to determine if you are getting the speed you should be getting. If your download speed is significantly lower than the speed you should be getting contact your ISP and ask them to run a line test to determine the cause of the speed loss.

Note: Many connections (e.g. Cable, DSL, and wireless broadband) have a slower upload speed in comparison with the download speed. If you are having issues with uploading (e.g. doing a video chat) it is a slow upload speed and not the download speed.
Site or download

Depending on the web page or website you are visiting or the download you are receiving, your Internet connection may appear to be slow. The composition of the page or site, including text, images, and videos make a difference on how fast your Internet speed appears to be. 
A site such as Computer Hope, which is 90% composed of text documents loads faster than a website such as YouTube, which is mostly pictures and movies.
Downloading while browsing

If you or someone else in your house is doing more than one thing on the Internet, your Internet will appear to be slower. For example, if you or your kids are downloading a game, movie, music, or playing online games your browsing experience is going to be slower.

Slow computer

If the overall speed of your computer is slow or has performance issues with doing tasks such as watching videos, it may appear as if your Internet connection is slow. If you have another Internet device (e.g. a smartphone or tablet) that can connect to your Internet use it to test the Internet to see if is your Internet or computer having the problem.

The location of the web page you are visiting can also determine the speed of the Internet. If you are accessing a web page that is in a different part of the world, it will be much slower than a page that is hosted closer to your location.
Network or site maintenance

If your Internet service provider or the host of the website is performing maintenance on their network, computers, or network equipment, this can cause speed related issues.
Amount of visitors on a site

A server and website can only handle so many users at once. If hundreds, thousands, or millions of people are trying to visit the site at the same time, that page will be much slower and, in some cases, pages may not even respond or load.

Check your computer for a virus or malware infection. Internet speed can be reduced because viruses and malware are corrupting essential operating system files using up system resources (memory) that would otherwise be for Internet function.
How do I remove a virus and malware from my computer?
Third-party programs and tweaks

No matter how many web services or programs you see advertised, there is no magic program or tweak that is going to increase your actual overall Internet speed. 
There are some tweaks that can be done and some programs that can help with the speed of downloading certain files or increase your local network speed (not Internet). However, no software program will increase the overall speed of your Internet connection.

Some programs such as download managers can help get downloads faster by downloading bits of the downloaded file through different connections. However, this does not increase your Internet speed or browsing experience and will not work with all Internet web pages.
You or your ISP is under DoS or being attacked

Although not a common situation, a slow Internet connection can also be caused when you or your ISP is being attacked, e.g. a DoS attack. With a DoS attack, computers and routers become so overwhelmed with requests that it causes your connection to be slow or time out. If you believe you are under such an attack, contact your ISP for additional recommendations. If it is your computer that is under attack, one way to escape these attacks is to change your IP address.

Check with ISP for improved performance

Some broadband providers also offer different tiers of service. If your Internet has always been slow, call your provider and see if they offer a boost or business plan for increased speed.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

How to play Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go mania has players armed with smartphones hunting streets, parks, rivers, landmarks and other sites to capture monsters and gather supplies.

The free app, based on a Nintendo title that debuted 20 years ago, has been adapted to the mobile internet age by Niantic Labs, a company spun out of Google last year.
Pokemon Go uses smartphone satellite location, graphics and camera capabilities to overlay cartoon monsters on real world settings, challenging players to capture and train the creatures for battles.


Here's a quick rundown of some of the names and phrases you'll come across when playing the game:
Pokéstops – All the items you need to play the game are stored in these blue supply stores, dotted around the map.
Pokéballs – Used to catch Pokémon and build your team.
Incense and Lure Modules – You can use these items to attract more Pokémon to your location. At the start, this is vital to build a large team that you can then use to battle or trade for goodies further into the game.
Gyms – Available from level five, controlling gyms is what the game is all about. Located at points of interest and landmarks, these are where the battles between players and their Pokémon take place.
Factions – These are the teams you're asked to join after reaching level five. They will determine which colour a gym turns when you claim it. Simply pick your favourite colour.
Potions, Super Potions and Revives – After a hard battle, you’ll need these to help your Pokémon recover before the next challenge.
Candy and Stardust – Think of these as supplements to make your Pokémon stronger and more evolved — absolutely vital for taking over more gyms.
Eggs – Go is big on XP, and you’ll need Lucky Eggs if you want to earn double XP. Regular eggs allow you to hatch more Pokémon to add to your team.
Razzberries – Harder to catch Pokémon can be tamed by feeding them these and winning their trust.
Footprints – Use the footprint guides in the 'Nearby' menu to navigate to rarer Pokémon. Three footprints means the creature is further away. No footprints means you're very close.

Here are monster-hunting basics for those interested in trying Pokemon Go.
Capture and train monsters to battle for control of virtual "gyms" displayed on smartphone maps of real-world settings.
Players win by controlling gyms and collecting Pokemon.
- Download a free Android or Apple smartphone Pokemon Go app.
- Choose an avatar.
- Walk to a "PokeStop" icon pictured on the map and tap on it to reveal photos of the real-world location you are standing in front of.
- Spin image to obtain supplies such as balls for capturing monsters.
- Progress to the next level by visiting PokeStops and capturing Pokemon.
- While walking, watch smartphone map for what appear to be bursts of leaves or grass.
- Go closer.
- When a Pokemon image appears on a screen tap it.
- Switch to camera mode.
- Scan surroundings through smartphone camera to see Pokemon.
- Hold finger on Pokeball at bottom of smartphone screen.
- Swipe finger to toss Pokeball at Pokemon.
- Hit target to capture Pokemon.
- Increase a Pokemon's power using stardust and creature-specific candy found in the game.
- Reach Level 5.
- Walk to a gym, represented on a map as a tower.
- Once close enough, tap on the icon to enter the gym.
- Chose to join the red, blue or yellow team.
- If a gym is controlled by a rival team, challenge the ruling Pokemon for dominance.
- After defeating a rival Pokemon, leave your own Pokemon to rule the gym.
- If a gym is controlled by your team, challenge the incumbent Pokemon for status.
- Essentially everywhere in places the app is available.
- Pokemon Go has been released in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.
- Carry backup power.
- Use teamwork to keep control of gyms.
- Don't venture where it is not safe or you are not wanted.
- Remember your location is being tracked so others might find you.
- At the start, refrain from selecting a Pokemon to get coveted Pikachu later.

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