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Monday, May 16, 2016

Website Speed Test Tools for Optimizing Web Performance

Website Speed is a critical element of running a successful website and should always be a priority for site managers. In addition to providing a lag-free and responsive user experience, a fast loading website also has a direct impact on the overall performance of the website.  Faster loading websites benefit from better user engagement, higher conversion rates, higher SEO rankings and much more.

 Good Page speed of any websites is a most important thing. If your website is taking very long time to load then most of visitors will close your site even before watching any content.
Google search ranking factor also include website speed in their ranking signal. If your website speed is good then google rank your site in top.

Improving website speed is critical, but it can be a daunting process that involves many moving parts between onsite optimization to network and accessibility configurations. However, if performance truly matters, you have no choice but to take it on one step at a time.  A good place to start would be to run some tests and find out how fast you site really is.
After experimenting with various website speed test tools, I have narrowed it down these five as the recommended tools based on usability, accessibility and how comprehensive the reports are.
round-trip times.

YSlowanalyzes web pages, suggests why they’re slow based on Yahoo!’s rules for high performance web sites, and then offers suggestions for improvement. When analyzing a web page, YSlow deducts points for each infraction of a rule and then applies a grade to each rule.

GTmetrixuses PageSpeed and YSlow to grade your site’s performance and provides recommendations to fix. The site also features tools to monitor your site and track its performance, such as video playback and performance reports.

Pingdomlets you identify what about a web page is fast, slow, and too big, as well as the best practices you’re not following. View file sizes, load times, total website speed and other details about every page element. You can sort and filter this list in different ways to identify performance bottlenecks.

Web Page Analyzer is a simple and straightforward web page speed analyzer. Enter a URL to get page size, composition, and download time. It sums up page components, and then offers advice on how to improve page load time.
comprehensive the reports are. 

Google PageSpeed Insights grades both the desktop and mobile site speeds. The tool fetches the URL twice, once from a desktop agent and once from a mobile agent, and produces a ‘site rank’ based on a scale of 1 -100. The higher the number, the better optimized you site is for speed (at least in Google’s eyes). A returned scored of 85 or higher indicates the site’s speed is performing well.

There is also an Chrome extension available, which allows assessment of any page from the Developers Page Speed tab. PageSpeed Insights provides a balanced overview of site speed and actions to take in order to improve page performance and the site as a whole.

 PageScoring’s Website Speed Test loads the entered domain and provides a comprehensive display of how long its contents took to load. As seen in the screenshot, PageScoring reports on several transmittal processes that occur during a website request, including domain lookup, redirection time, download time and much more.

This is an effective tool for measuring performance in real time and provides webmasters with valuable site performance information that isolates individual pieces of data.



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